It’s the middle of winter and even without spring pollen or fall dust, you can feel the stuffy nose and itchy eyes of allergies. Most allergy sufferers try over-the-counter medicines, prescription drugs and even long-term immune treatments to rid themselves of the irritating symptoms.
It turns out that practitioners of acupuncture have focused on the treatment of allergies for the past few thousand years.
Traditional Chinese Medicine, of which acupuncture is a part, views allergies as a “wind” disease that affects the lungs, liver, kidney, spleen and stomach. When the life flow, or Qi, is blocked at acupuncture meridians that correspond with those organs, allergies can persist. Acupuncture unlocks Qi at the meridians and cleanses the organs, which in turn removes the allergy symptoms.
The view of Western medicine is much different. As the National Institutes of Health reported in an article researched by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), allergies are the result of cells labeled CD4+ and a subtype of cells called Th1/Th2. Those cells produce proteins and molecules classified as cytokines interleukin, which in turn bring about the allergic response to certain materials like pollen or dust.
Can the two views be integrated?
The NCBI article suggests they can.
“The efficacy of acupuncture in allergic rhinitis and other allergic diseases, such as asthma or allergic eczema, appears to be due to the cytokine profile regulation of Th1/Th2 cells” and the various proteins the cells produce, the article states.
You may want to test the science by visiting your acupuncturist. Many allergy patients notice relief during their first treatment. Further treatments can be scheduled as often as you need. After a few visits, allergy sufferers find they require just one or two sessions a year to maintain their protection against allergies.
Whether you have put up with allergies for years or just since the onset of winter months, Mayflower Acupuncture can help you rid yourself of sneezing, itchy eyes and stuffy nose. Contact us at or (860) 413-2118.
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