It’s the middle of winter and even without spring pollen or fall dust, you can feel the stuffy nose and itchy eyes of allergies. Most allergy sufferers try over-the-counter medicines, prescription drugs and even long-term immune treatments to rid themselves of the irritating symptoms. It turns out that practitioners of acupuncture have focused on the… Read More
Acupuncture treats headaches without side-effects
Persistent headaches can be debilitating, affecting one’s outlook, work and relationships. These are not the types of headaches that disappear when you take a couple of ibuprofen. Instead, along with the awful pain, they can lead sufferers to seek relief in ways that result in costly but ineffective – or dangerous – treatments. Acupuncture won’t… Read More
Forest bathing employs nature to promote healthy living
Complementary medicines have an image problem with some people who think they are a little too “woo-hoo,” or not based solidly enough in science. In the case of acupuncture, we have more than 3,000 years of experience that proves its efficacy. Other practices are much newer, but still pass the common-sense test: They make us… Read More
Auricular acupuncture lands a starring role
Movie stars drawn to auricular acupuncture enjoy its benefits in pain reduction, and also make it part of their fashion statements. Benefits for the rest of us include its portability – it can be practiced in nearly any setting – and the discovery that our ears are a kind of portal to the rest of… Read More
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