What happens?
You will be listened to carefully and treated with respect and courtesy. Most acupuncture clients find the experience of the consultation and the needling therapy relaxing and rejuvenating. Symptoms are often relieved quickly and your requested music, books on tape, guided meditations or restful silence enhances the pleasant and uplifting experience.
Your first visit begins with an in-depth assessment of your condition and your initial treatment. At your request, the treatment may include the appropriate combination of gentle needling therapy, manipulation and massage and therapeutic electro-magnetic heat.
During the assessment we may ask you about some things that you might not think are connected to your chief complaint, for example, thoughts and emotions, sleeping patterns, and eating habits. In determining how to be most useful to you, Chinese medicine considers the whole person, not just isolated symptoms. When we put together into a coherent whole the range of symptoms and signs you are experiencing, “patterns of disharmony” are revealed. Although treatment will focus primarily on your chief complaint, the whole of your personality and physicality must be considered in order to develop the most appropriate course of treatment. Chinese medicine is unique in that it appreciates that health conditions may be identical, but the persons suffering from them are individuals. Therefore treatment has to be tailored to you specifically.
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